Halo Combat Evolved For Pc Download Torrent

4 days ago - The game Halo Combat Evolved Pc Torrent download free. full is appreciated for its elements. These are its story, a variety of strategies which.

The answer: It’s still really, really good. The campaign tells an intriguing story full of fluid action, fierce enemies, stirring music, and thrilling moments. The overhauled visuals look great; flipping between the classic and remastered presentation modes not only makes you realize what a thorough and faithful job the artists have done, but it also makes you appreciate how well the original art design stands the test of time.

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SubcategoryFirst-Person Shooters
  • All Versions

    0 stars Be the first to review this product

{ review.getRatingValue }}

'you update it'

'you update it'


by going to properties/


find target/update(one with icon)



Reply by wertredgreen on February 19, 2012

to play w/o disk


the cd keys work


you need a CD to play it


Not fun

Reply by person123567890 on April 2, 2012

actually u can play without cd. just download and run a free halo ce PATCH file. then open halo. it should work fine but u may not be able to create your own server. im afraid you will have to live with that problem as it canot be fixed, iv got it 2. hapy shotting people 2 death!

Reply by PUKINCACTUS on October 14, 2011

Well duh dude. They aren't just going to give you a download from the internet of the full game. It's only an upgrade, and it would be illegal without Microsoft's and Bungie's permission. Because guess what? Halo CE is still for sale and if they gave the full download for free, they would get their asses sued. So, think about it. Oh by the way, it's a really cheap game now, probably $5. Can't afford that? Come on. Seriously. Ebay, Ecrater, etc. Not that hard bro.

{ review.getRatingValue }}

'i dont have cd'

'i dont have cd'

Halo combat evolved for pc download torrent download


how do i play without the cd


what are cons anyways

Reply by tcstew12 on February 28, 2013

there is a patch that you can download that lets you play the game with out the cd.

Reply by mathias741852963 on October 28, 2011

how do i play with out CD?


So awesome, even people with a not-so-new-computer can play this!



Sometimes, admins ban you from entering a game.


People who say that this doesn't work, they just don't know how to install the game properly. :P

{ review.getRatingValue }}

'Halo CE (part1)'

'Halo CE (part1)'


no pros nothing




Invaild CD KEY

{ review.getRatingValue }}

'Excellent FPS! Halo got it RIGHT with Custom Edition.'

'Excellent FPS! Halo got it RIGHT with Custom Edition.'


Scalable, works on lots of machines, still playable on a beat of a machine or a bare baseline workstation. Drop in maps that WORK. Easy setup and play scheme.


No instructions on how to make maps work, this should be included separately as a readme file. Another con: any douchebag can play it, even people that sabotage the playing of the game (teamkilling fucktards).


Great game to have even on a netbook in safe mode (game safe mode, not windows). Can't use the pad mouse, but a usb mouse is easy enough to use. Great game, if you don't know why just get it and play it. You will SEE why.


T39RX-JH7Y2-XWTJD-VJX8X-G7MD8 got a CD-key (serial) here for Halo Combat evolved.


you still need a CD to play it.

Reply by person123567890 on April 2, 2012

u can play without cd. just download and run a free halo ce PATCH file. then open halo. it should work fine but u may not be able to create your own server. im afraid you will have to live with that problem as it canot be fixed, iv got it 2. hapy shotting people 2 death!

{ review.getRatingValue }}

'this game is epic'

'this game is epic'


epic game i love it so much, i recommend any sci-fi game fan to buy this game


no cons this game is just pure awesomeness


awesome the custom edition makes it so much better :D
Updated on Mar 31, 2011

i was just wondering is this the full gaem or just the custom edition part

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PublisherGearbox Software
Publisher web sitehttp://www.gearboxsoftware.com/
Release DateJune 01, 2004
Date AddedJune 01, 2004


SubcategoryFirst-Person Shooters

Operating Systems

Operating Systems Windows 98/Me/2000/XP
Additional Requirements Halo retail version

Download Information

File Size 170MB
File Name halocesetup_en_1.00.exe

Halo Combat Evolved For Pc Download Torrent Windows 7


Total Downloads2,462,949
Downloads Last Week 195


License Model Free
Limitations Not available

Halo Combat Evolved Torrent Download

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