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A discontinued, though somewhat infamous, entry in the Jump Start series of Edutainment Games. As its subtitle might suggest, this game is remembered for its Nightmare Fuel, which was presumably a factor in its discontinuation. Four years after its release, it was replaced by a new version, subtitled Sapphire Falls.
You are a fourth-grade student who has missed one day of school. Not only were you absent, but the teacher was as well, with the substitute teacher being a Wicked Witch named Ms. Grunkle who turned all your classmates into monsters and imprisoned them on a creepy island where everything looks like it was designed by Tim Burton. So now It's Up to You to rescue them, wandering through the spooky woods of the island to find the Mini Games which provide you with personal belongings of the classmates needed to turn them back to normal. Helping you out is a purple bat named Flap, who plays a similar roll as Botley as your companion, and a fortune teller named Madame Pomreeda, who can turn your classmates back to normal with said personal belongings. Occasionally, an evil ghost named Repsac will pop out of nowhere and force you to answer a question. Answering a question wrong will cost you health points and losing all your health points will land you in the Labyrinth.
Can be downloaded from the Internet Archive. Essentially, it's a Defanged Horrors version of a Survival Horror game. You can see a Walkthrough starting here and a review noting its scariness here.
This game provides examples of:
- Alphabet Soup Cans: All with creepy tones to them.
- Bag of Spilling: Inverted. In the opening cutscene, Ms. Grunkle is flying with a witch's hat full of keys to her house, but she drops them all and her magic wand on the way to her house. The Player ends up picking them all up.
- Beauty to Beast: Many of the children, especially Tiffany.
- Bigger on the Inside: There's no way Ms. Grunkle's tiny little house could contain all those rooms you have to pass through. But hey, she's a witch.
- Bond Villain Stupidity: Ms. Grunkle repeatedly taunts you, yet doesn't really do anything to prevent the player from continuing.
- The Cameo: Hidden in the trees in certain areas of the Lost Woods are characters from previous JumpStart games, consisting of the cast from JumpStart Preschool and CJ the frog from JumpStart 2nd Grade, each sporting a frightened or concerned look on their face.
- Cat Scare: If you pair two tablets that don't match in the Mummy Tomb, a cat screeches.
- Circus of Fear: Pomreeda's cart appears to be part of this kind of place. It's easy to miss the abandoned cart next to hers reading 'Cirque du Jumpstart'.
- Closed Circle: It's greatly implied that no one is allowed to leave Haunted Island.
- Defanged Horrors: You don't actually die, and the monsters won't actually hurt you in any way that's overt... however, they will scare you, and answering Repsac's questions incorrectly will cost you health.
- Difficulty Levels: Three of them.
- The Dragon: Repsac with Ms. Grunkle as the Big Bad.
- Easter Egg: Pressing the up arrow in front of the Cirque du Jumpstart cart will cut to a spooky version of the town from JumpStart Pre-K. The cast's portraits even show up on the top of the cart.
- Evil Laugh: Repsac has an impressive one. Ms. Grunkle has one too.
- Exposition Fairy: Flap, a giant purple bat that sounds like Peter Lorre.
- Fantasy Kitchen Sink: Haunted Island is a grab bag of anything conceivably Halloweenish. Ghosts, vampires, and witches are to be expected, but an Egyptian pyramid? In the middle of a spooky forest with gnarled trees? God knows how that got there.
- Fetch Quest: The game is mostly a series of these. You have thirteen classmates to save and four items are required to save one. You have to play three mini-games to get just one item. So in all, you have to play 156 mini-games to save all your classmates. On top of this, you have to play three rounds of all the mini-games, except for the pirate activity, to count as having played it once. So unless you get the pirate activity, you have to play nine rounds (three rounds for three mini-games) to get one item. Also, the game keeps track of which mini-games you're bad at and assigns those ones to you repeatedly. The Updated Re-release changes it so you only have to play two mini-games to get one item, reducing the total number of mini-games you have to play from 156 to 104.
- Guide Dang It!: Early releases of the game only include the island map in the user's guide. Thus, if you don't have the user's guide, you can't navigate the island effectively and are pretty much screwed, and since most kids were playing this at school, it was highly doubtful the teachers still had it lying around in their classroom. (Clever form of Copy Protection, though.) Later releases omitted the map in the user's guide and included the map in-game.
- Halloween Town: The titular island, with its witches, ghosts, monsters, spiders, bats, and generally creepy atmosphere.
- Healing Spring: The Fountain of Health in the Labyrinth, if you can find it.
- Hollywood Darkness: Nearly everything on Haunted Island appears black and blue. That is, until you get close to it, which somehow makes it show up in full color.
- I Resemble That Remark!: The bugs in the spider spelling challenge protest this when Flap expresses doubt in Pomreeda's belief that the letter bugs are cute.
- 'Just So' Story: One of the Cemetery stories explains why witches are so mean: a long time ago, a friendly witch was cheated by a traveling broom salesman.
- Locked Door: Ms. Grunkle's house is linear, and the only way to progress through it is to open doors that contain five locks on each. They can only be opened with skeleton keys earned every 5000 points.
- Karma Houdini: After you've saved all your classmates, Ms. Grunkle pulls a Villain: Exit, Stage Left, telling you that We Will Meet Again.
- The Lost Woods: If you don't want to warp with your map, you'll have to walk through this.
- Mad Libs Dialogue: Occurs in, what else, the Cemetery minigame, which is essentially Mad Libs.
- Medium Blending: The game constantly flips between CGI animation and 2-D animation. Additionally, the CGI animations are obviously meant to look like Stop Motion, à la The Nightmare Before Christmas. For the most part, the main game is pre-rendered CGI while the mini games are 2-D. The main characters (Flap, Ms. Grunkle, etc.) are always CGI. Your classmates look CGI in the opening sequence, but they are 2-D animated in the yearbook and Madame Pomreeda's Crystal Ball.
- Monster Clown: Calvin becomes this.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Flap sounds rather like Peter Lorre, while the friendly ghost in the Mad Libs game you're trying to save is based on Rodney Dangerfield (from a visual perspective, he also sounds like W.C. Fields, with a big nose to match).
- No Swastikas: Averted. The Mummy's Tomb minigame features a number of historical photographs, including one of a Nazi flag. Well, if it's educational...
- Our Vampires Are Different:
- They are Classical Movie Vampires who have to solve long division problems in order to make it into their coffins.
- Laura becomes a vampire, except with two heads, one of them is her normal head and the other is a purple-skinned vampire head. When she transforms back to normal, her normal head turns around and EATS the vampire head.
- Pirate Tropes: The geography activity is pirate-themed, so it includes a number of these:
- Boarding Party: Implied. If you lose one of the cannon battle mini-mini games mentioned below, your ammo and supply counts go down.
- Pirate: Type 1. The pirates in the geography game are your enemies, and if you run into one of their ships, you'll have to sink it in a cannon battle mini-mini game.
- Ghost Pirate: Possibly. You don't actually see the pirates themselves, but their ships are all white and ghostly. Oddly, your ship is too.
- Pirate Booty: You have to identity the countries with this, based on the geography clues.
- Pirate Parrot: Picking up supplies is accompanied by a parrot sound effect.
- Talk Like a Pirate: Naturally. While you don't see the pirates, a pirate voiceover gloats at you during the cannon battle mini-mini game and follows this trope.
- Oddly averted on your ship, where the only pirate you hear (presumably your first mate) speaks with a British Accent.
- Treasure Map: The game is played on a parchment-looking world map, which nevertheless has modern-day (i.e. 1990s) countries and borders.
- Public Domain Soundtrack: Not in the game proper, but all the songs you have to play in the music activity are conveniently out of copyright. They run the gambit from classical music to folk songs to spirituals and so on. After you perform a song successfully, Semimoto tells you what you just played.
- Punny Name:
- Madame Pomreeda (Palm Reader).
- Many of the children in the game also have names that relate to their character archetype or monster, such as Penny Scilin (an aspiring doctor) and Wolfgang (a musician who turns into a werewolf.)
- Properly Paranoid: A rare Real Life example. A lot of kids would use the Warp Whistle specifically to avoid Repsac.
- Random Event: Running into Repsac happens at random in the game as you walk around the island. Ms. Grunkle also randomly appears before you on her broom to taunt you.
- Retro Universe: Some of the children are explicitly from the modern day while others seem to be Disco Dans and they all go to school together in an old-fashioned one-room schoolhouse. The pirate activity seems to take place during The Cavalier Years, but none of the rest of the game does. Most of the stories you create in the cemetery activity are set in the present day. And, of course, the Mummy's Tomb has information updated to The '90s (the time when the game was made) even though Flap says it was 'a long time ago' that anyone was in there.
- Scenery Porn: Haunted Island is one of JumpStart's most beautifully detailed settings, looking like something out of The Nightmare Before Christmas.
- Status Cell Phone: One of Laura's items is a (now outdated looking) cell phone, which the game considers reflective of her Class Representative personality. When the game was made in the mid-1990s, prepubescent children owning cell phones was very rare indeed.
- Sdrawkcab Name: The evil ghost is named 'Repsac'. Yeah, 'Casper' spelled backwards.
- Sinister Silhouettes: How the children are shown being changed into monsters in the opening Cutscene.
- Survival Horror: While walking around the island, you might be stalked by Repsac who will, if you answer his question wrong, deplete your health points. Also, you'll gradually lose health anyway.
- Take Your Time: While some mini games are timed, some non-timed mini games like the Frog Potion mini game will try to make you hurry by saying Ms. Grunkle will jump you if you take too long.
- Themed Cursor: As you can see from the screenshot, the game makes the cursor look spooky and ghostly.
- Tomato Surprise: The Cemetery story 'Where is the Werewolf?' ends this way, at least when said ending is not altered by the Mad Libs aspect.
- Toothy Bird: James is turned into a penguin with teeth.
- Updated Re-release: Two years after its initial release, the game was rereleased with an onscreen leveling feature (previously leveling was activated by pressing 'Ctrl-L') and an in-game map (previously the island map was only included in the user's guide).
- Warp Whistle: The in-game map in later releases acted as one, as well as the progress report featured at the end of the yearbook. However, using the map costs points, so walking to your destination saves valuable key points. It also means the possibility of encountering Repsac, and many players have admitted to favoring the map.
Jumpstart 4th Grade Haunted Island
JumpStart 4th Grade | |
Sold Out | (WinXP/2000/Vista) (Jewel Case) (JUMP4THPJ) |
Ages: 8 to 10
Combines the Subjects of 4th Grade into the Ultimate Adventure Game
In JumpStart Adventures 4th Grade Haunted Island, you apply lessons in language arts, math, history, science, art and music to rescue 13 lost friends before they turn into freakish fiends forever.
The Villain. In what looks like a bizarre science experiment, Mrs. Grunkle changed 13 students into mutant monsters and hid them away in a castle attic.
The Challenge. Do you know your 4th Grade lessons well enough to break the spell that holds them hostage?
The Adventure. Journey through the twisted trails and menacing forests of Haunted Island to rescue your friends...
Train Your Brain! To win, play games of skill that will test your knowledge of many 4th Grade subjects:
Jumpstart Haunted Island Iso Download Pc
Language Arts. Read and comprehend nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronounds, conjunctions, interjections, adverbs, and propositions. Build spelling and vocabulary skills.
Math. Complete 3-digit long-division equations with remainders and convert decimals to fractions. Review and practice multiplication, short division, addition, and subtraction.
Science. Build an understanding of earth and natural sciences. Classify and create new lifeform populations.
History. Associate key people and fascinating facts with places and historic events. Identify influences from culture and geography.
Music & Art. Learn art history facts. Make your own music. Use the treble and bass clefs as you match notes to piano keys.
Use Your Head - Before You Lose It!
Who turned 13 of your friends into monsters? Are you brave enough to find out and rescue them? Venture to a mysterious haunted island where a hideous collection of ghouls awaits you.
To rescue each friend, follow four clue cards through menacing forests to any of 9 phantasmal games and activities. Your cards earn you keys and objects. Use the keys to enter the castle where your mutant friends are hidden. Use the objects to transform the mutants back into your friends. Hurry! If you tire, you are cast into the labyrinth to earn extra energy.
Succeed - and build important skills, smarts, and strengths. Blunder - and your friends remain fiends forever!
Your adventure begins here:
Science. Manage precious resources including water, land, and light to get your mutant swamp plants to thrive. Can you reap a harvest of ghoulish garden goods?
Division & Decimals. Outwit the ghosts by using long division - some equations have 3-digits and include remainders. Or convert decimals to fractions in the Enchanted Forest.
Math. Fill your frog's tummy with tasty flies and ants as you add, subtract, divide, and multiply. A flick of the tongue snags the right answer.
Language Arts. Sneak into the cemetery and chisel parts of speech onto gravestones to create wacky stories. Or, spell creepy words with bugs trapped in a Spider's Web.

Music. There's a hunchback living in the haunted clock tower. Can you hit the right notes on the piano to rid the tower of bats?
Stay Healthy! If you tire, you must enter the twisted stone labyrinth and answer multiple-choice questions to earn more power. You'll need extra power to battle pirates while learning geography.
History. Ancient tablets lie scrambled on the ground. match the dates and people with the correct events and places in history to reassemble the artwork.
Rescue Your Friends! You'll collect four objects to transform the beasts back to boys and ghouls into girls. Then, trade your game points for the 25 keys it'll take to reach the attic and free your freinds trapped inside.
Requirements: Windows Vista, XP, 2000, Pentium II 300Mhz, 128MB RAM, 25MB HD Space, 640x480 display, 16-bit color, Windows-compatible sound card & speakers, 12X CD-ROM Drive.
Copyright © 1993-2008