Origin Unable To Download Game


Unable to Play FIFA 16 Demo via Origin. Windows 8.1 IT Pro > Windows 8.1 Application Compatibility. Clean boot but it didn't work even after that.i'm having windows 8.1 Enterprise.i also had this problem with fifa 13 game.please help me regarding this matter.

We're Sorry Origin Was Unable To Download Your Game Sims 4


Origin Game Not Downloading

So my roommate just bought BF3 premium edition on Origin, for his new computer. His C drive, with windows, is a 128gb SSD, that's already damn near full, but he has a terabyte storage drive for most things. He installed Origin itself onto the storage drive (which is F). But, when we go to download BF3, it automatically created the 'origin games' folder on the C drive (which doesn't have room), and wants to download BF3 there, and isn't giving an option to put it anywhere else. I was worried that would happen if he put origin on the C drive, which is why we did what I thought would eliminate any confusion, and just put origin on the F drive. But now origin is insisting on downloading the game to C, even though origin isn't on C. What's going on? How do we get origin to put BF3 in an 'origin games' folder on the F drive?